Safety First: Get Your Replacement Trampoline Safety Nets from Australia's National Supplier
Author: Jump Star Trampolines

When you think of trampolines, you think of fun, right? Bouncing up and down, practicing flips and acrobatics. It's a wholesome summertime activity that attracts the attention of child and adult alike and is something that Jump Star, a national supplier of trampolines and trampoline parts, wholly endorse. As part of our mission in spreading this bit of bouncy joy, we also want to make sure that you know all about trampoline safety nets, how important they are to continued enjoyment of your trampoline, and how to get replacement trampoline nets if ever you need them.
Safety Net for a Trampoline?
Yes, a safety net. You know the PVC enclosure that surrounds the trampoline, providing that important pocket of protection for your high jumping experience? They work like this: you, the responsible trampoline owner, measures out the frame of your trampoline. On round trampolines, you'll measure from the outer metal edge straight across to the other side. Then you'll take another perpendicular edge to edge measurement, and average the two numbers. This average will give you an approximate size for your trampoline, which will help you determine the number of poles necessary to attach to the outside of the trampoline. If you have a rectangular trampoline, you'll compare your short side measurement to your long side measurement to find the dimensions of your trampoline.
Nets come in many sizes to accommodate round and rectangular trampolines and can vary in the number of necessary poles and their height.
Either way, once you have your measurements, you'll need to get the correct number of poles, attach them to the trampoline, surround those poles with soft foam, then attach the net to the poles. Depending on which kind you have, you may have to fool around with some V-rings, buckles, or various locks, but you're handy, so the install should take no time at all. Voila! Now you have an incredible safety net attached. Just don't over-tighten it, and you should be good to go.
The benefit? It should be obvious, but the trampoline safety net keeps a user within the confines of the trampoline bounce area. It also serves to eliminate that precarious gap at the outer edges of the trampoline. Now you can jump with confidence, ease, and reassurance that your trampoline is the king of the hill regarding a safe and enjoyable experience.
I Had a Net, But it Broke!
Lucky for you, Jump Star is here to help. Replacement round and rectangular trampoline nets are one of our specialties. Why choose us? Consider the following: over the last six years; we have branched out from a simple, family-owned operation in Perth to become a nationwide phenomenon, without sacrificing our core principles of customer dedication.
We believe that it is our duty to provide our customers with a fantastic product and top level customer service with every single interaction that we have. We place the highest premium on manufacturing products with quality and care and comply with all Australian safety standards. Our commitment to offering the best is unwavering.
Jump Star is an Australian family-owned company located in Perth. Our huge range of safe high-quality products has enabled us to grow and grow. We now send items to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and in fact all over Australia.
Ready? Our team is ready to assist. Call us on (08) 9358 5660 or email us at to find out more about our excellent range of high-quality Australian trampolines.