Providing High-Quality Trampoline Replacement Mats to Every Part of Australia
Author: Jump Star Trampolines

You probably love your trampoline because your kids love it too, and isn’t is fantastic that they have a fun way to exercise? It keeps them active, puts a smile on their face and keeps them occupied for a long time, and because of this, trampolines are bound to sustain a little wear and tear as time passes.
When your trampoline looks like it needs some TLC, don't jump straight to the conclusion that you'll have to buy a complete replacement. Instead, see exactly what components need a bit of a touch-up, and purchase spare parts from a company you can trust. At Jump Star, we're proud to offer the best quality products available, and at the best-value price!
If you’re looking for replacement trampoline mats, look no further than us, because we stock what you need to get your trampoline in top-notch condition once again. We can design and manufacture replacement trampoline mats to fit any circular or rectangle trampoline, no matter how large or small.
Let’s face it, getting the kids to exercise at all can be extremely challenging. The last thing we want to do is tell them they’re going to have to take a time-out because we’re not sure that certain components are still good enough to trust.
We provide excellent warranties to provide you with the peace of mind that you're purchasing the highest quality products, and that includes our trampoline replacement mats. Get in touch with us now if you think your trampoline might need some repair work.
Jump Star is an Australian family-owned company located in Perth. Our huge range of safe high-quality products has enabled us to grow and grow. We now send items to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and in fact all over Australia.
Ready? Our team is ready to assist. Call us on (08) 9358 5660 or email us at to find out more about our excellent range of high-quality Australian trampolines.